Membrane Distillation for Desalination and Water Treatment
Membrane distillation is a technique used to separate two aqueous solutions at different temperatures. It requires a micro-porous hydrophobic membrane that allows only vapours to pass through to form water droplets. The partial vapour-pressure difference is the driving force for this phenomenon. Direct Contact Membrane Distillation, Air Gap Membrane Distillation, Sweeping Gas Membrane Distillation and Vacuum Membrane Distillation are the processes used in water recovery and wastewater treatment. Various applications of Membrane distillation process are studied. It is seen that membrane fouling and temperature polarization are the disadvantages of the system. This review reports operating parameters, membrane characteristics (pore size, membrane thickness, liquid entry pressure, porosity), membrane modules (plate and frame, hollow fiber, tubular membrane, spiral wound) and water treatment using membrane distillation process. It also covers basic fundamentals of mass and heat transfer phenomenon. MD is probably an economical process and requires less claim of membrane attributes as well.
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