Experimental Investigations on PVA: PVP Blend Based Nanocomposite Polymer Gel Electrolytes
The aim of present work is to cast stable free standing PVA: PVP blend based polymer nanocomposite gel electrolyte films using ammonium acetate salt (CH3COONH4) and SiO2 nanofiller particles for electrochemical application. Optical and SEM studies show improvement in amorphous nature of the present system. Formation of blend-based nanocomposite polymer electrolyte is confirmed by FTIR study. Ionic conductivity of PVA: PVP blend based nanocomposite polymer gel electrolyte, namely, PVA: PVP: CH3COONH4:SiO2 is seen to improve moderately (~5 times) at room temperature with an optimum 5X10-3 S/cm for 8 wt % SiO2. I-t measurement (tion~0.9) establish dominance of ionic charge transport in synthesized electrolytes. Combination of Arrhenius and VTF behavior is reflected during temperature dependent conductivity analysis.
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