Non-Acetylated Hemicellulose-Based Hydrogel Preparation for Sustained and Targeted Delivery of Drugs
Hydrogels are water-swollen, three-dimensional, cross-linked polymeric network produced by simple reaction of one or more monomers with the ability to swell in an aqueous medium. Consequently, hemicellulose-based hydrogels were prepared by the combination of hemicellulose (HC) and acrylic acid (AAc) in different ratios. Result showed that the hydrogels absorbed up to 300% of water when it is prepared by combining HC and AAc in the ratio of 1:8. This combination ratio was preferred as a suitable candidate for drug loading and release profile in near future. The prepared hydrogel may be used in the biomedical field for sustained and targeted release of drugs.
In spite of good advancement for diagnosis and treatment, cancer is the second most common disease after cardiovascular disorders, may be responsible for maximum deaths in the world (Jemal et al, 2007). Amongst cancers, colon or colorectal cancer is the fourth most common form of cancer globally with 6, 39,000 deaths reported annually (World Health Organization, 2009). Colon is the distal part of gastrointestinal tract, extending from ileocecal junction to anus. Therefore, delivering of a drug to the colon is a devastating problem because the most of the drugs have been reported to be unstable in the gastric environment and are prone to absorption in the upper gastrointestinal tract (GIT). This causes lowering of drug bioavailability and reduction of their efficacy against Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). Therefore, the delivery of a drug to the colon, via GIT requires protection from an undesirable release in stomach and small intestine (upper GIT) to achieve maximal pharmacological effect, while administered orally (Sinha and Kumria, 2003; Singh, 2007). As a consequence, Protection of drugs can be achieved by those potent carriers which are of non-toxic and biocompatible nature, and which can also undergo in-vivo biodegradation easily. Xylan rich-hemicellulose, one of such type of efficient carrier, may be used for colon drugs via hydrogel preparation. Hydrogels are water-swollen, three-dimensional, cross-linked polymeric network produced by simple reaction of one or more monomers with the ability to swell in an aqueous medium (Hoare & Kohane, 2008). Hydrogels are a class of those polymers that can absorb large amounts of water without dissolving it, may be due to the physical or chemical cross linkages of hydrophilic polymer chains. They mimic many of the properties of natural tissue so they are highly biocompatible. The porous or dense structure can be made by choosing the polymers and cross-linkers and altering the composition of salt concentration, pH and temperature (Ahmed, 2013). In recent years, intelligent hydrogels have been widely studied because of their responsiveness to the environmental stimuli, such as pH, ionic strength, solvent composition, temperature and electric and magnetic fields. Furthermore, because of the excellent biocompatibility and biodegradability of natural polymers, a variety of natural polysaccharides have been used to prepare hydrogels. Hemicellulose (HC) is one of the polymers, isolated from agro-waste raw material like wheat straw (WS). It is the second most abundant renewable natural polymer compared to cellulose, exists widely in plants. Xylan is a group of hemicelluloses that are found in plant cell walls and some algae. Xylan is a polysaccharide made from units of xylose (a pentose sugar). It is almost as ubiquitous as cellulose in plant cell walls and contains predominantly β-D-xylose units. Therefore, preparation of xylan-based hydrogels towards colon targeted drug delivery system (DDS) is a potential area of application for hemicelluloses and their derivatives. Thereby, the objective of the present study is to isolate the xylan-rich hemicellulose from agro-waste raw materials such as Wheat Straw followed by the preparation of intelligent hydrogel for colon targeted drug delivery system.
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